About Ram Teekaram

In 1950s, the couple Thiru Jalapathi K. Rama Reddy and Mrs. Padmavathy, who were natives of Sallavur village, Katpadi Taluk of Vellore district in Tamilnadu went to Pune city near Mumbai in search of a job. There, Ram Teekaram Brahmachari's mother got pregnant on first Friday of August 1953. During pregnancy itself she got a message from God that she would beget a Genius baby boy. She knew that her child would emerge in future as a Genius. Ram Teekaram Brahmachari was born in Tamilnadu State at Vellore city known for the famous Christian Medical College & Hospital on 10-05-1954. Ram Teekaram Brahmachari had one elder sister named Devaki and one younger sister named Vijaya Nirmala.

Ram Teekaram Brahmachari was brought up in Sallavur village near border of Andhra Pradesh. He studied up to Matriculation level. In his school days he spent his most of time in meditation and deep contemplation about the divine spirit and Brahman and he behaved in a way completely different from an average boy. The people of his native village people were surprised to note his activities. People soon realized that he is a very holy and saintly person. Brahmachari's parents called him in the name of Teekaraman. Afterwards because of his creative genius, sound knowledge about the divine and expertise in astrology and ability to predict the future, people called him Ram Teekaram Brahmachari.

Though he took up job after finishing his studies, he never worked permanently in any place. This was mainly due to his interest in Astro science and politics. He worked in Bangalore for some time. The name of the company was Gopalan Enterprises Pvt Ltd., which specialized in construction business. That company registered tremendous growth due to Mr.Gopalan’s hard work, honesty and responsibility. The company later attained a leading position in the industry. In the company our Brahmachari held a key post, and sincerely worked for some time. Afterwards he left the company on May 1980, because of his deep interest in Astro science and politics.

Then he went to Chennai and worked as a journalist in a publication, which was run by a top most political leader. Because of his hard work, honesty, and abiding interest he soon became very popular and had very good relationship with top most political leaders and VIPs. All political peoples and, spiritual persons became very close to him, because of his advanced knowledge in Astro science, politics and economics.

Right from his young age, Shree Teekaram Brahmachari developed the powers of concentration and meditation. If he developed any interest in any subject he will not rest until he thoroughly studied it day and night and mastered it. He has been blessed with tremendous willpower, determination and courage, right from his young age. His mother was a divine person and he received full guidance and blessings from his mother right from his childhood days.

Brahmachari has extraordinary divine power especially in the filed of astrology and predictions. He questioned a lot of Astrologers about their knowledge and Astrologers in turn were surprised about his wisdom and knowledge in this field. He gave exact meaning for Astro science. In the past ancient astrologers had some misconceptions about the planets. But our Ram Teekaram Brahmachari gave detailed theory about planets and their movements, benefits and exact power. By sheer intuition and intense thought process, he discovered many hither to unknown aspects and characteristics of the planets and the solar system. Ram Teekaram Brahmachari's inventions based on thorough and innovative research are accepted by many leading astrologers and political leaders and as a result received a lot of awards. He also published Sri Padmavathi Chakra and Ram Chakra in the year of 2001. His main objective is that the world must be benefited from his researches and Inventions. He wanted that his inventions should reach every person of world. Always he used to feel that one super power is guiding him throughout to reach his goal. He was fully aware of the divine spirit within him and he remained fully connected to that divine spirit at anytime.

Ram Teekaram Brahmachari is well versed in the languages of Tamil and Telugu. He can understand English quite well. In his young age he was very healthy and energetic. During the last four years our Ram Teekaram Brahmachari has lost 90% of eye vision. Now he is living alone. Astro scientists, spiritual saints as well as medical personnel are invited to clear their doubts regarding Astro science and Brahma sutra.

Shree Teekaram Brahmachari is blessed with uncanny and supernatural prowess. By sheer hard work and concentration, he acquired tremendous knowledge apart from astrology, in various subjects like Medine, Ayurveda, ancient Indian history, politics, behavioral sciences, psychology etc. He is completely selfless in his attitude towards life and is always helpful to every one around him. He never hesitates to fight for justice and rights of any person seeking his help at anytime. He is always deeply concerned about the welfare and happiness of others.

Shree Teekaram is a living legend, living the life of a true sage and rishi as explained in Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2 Sloka 56, given below -|

dukheshv-anudvigna-manā sukheshu vigata-sprihaha vīta-rāga-bhaya-krodhaha sthita-dhīr munir uchyate

dukheshu—amidst miseries; anudvigna-manā—one whose mind is undistrubed; sukheshu—in pleasure; vigata-spriha—without craving; vīta—free from; rāga—attachment; bhaya—fear; krodha—anger; sthita-dhīr—enlightened person; muni—a sage; uchyate—is called

One whose mind remains undisturbed by distress, who has no desire for pleasure, who is free from mundane attachment, fear and anger, is a sage of steady mind

In this verse, Shree Krishna describes sages of steady wisdom as: 1) Vīta rāga—they give up craving for pleasure, 2) Vīta bhaya—they remain free from fear, 3) Vīta krodha—they are devoid of anger.

An enlightened person does not allow the mind to harbor the material frailties of lust, anger, greed, envy, etc. Only then can the mind steadily contemplate on transcendence and be fixed in the divine. If one permits the mind to brood over miseries, then the contemplation on the divine ceases and the mind is dragged down from the transcendental level. The process of torture works in the same manner. More than the present pain itself, it is the memories of past pain and apprehensions of future pain that torment the mind. But when the mind drops these two and has to simply grope with the present sensation, the pain surprisingly shrinks to a manageable (within the limits of tolerance) size. It is well known that historically Buddhist monks adopted a similar technique for tolerating torture from invading conquerors.

Similarly, if the mind craves for external pleasures, it runs to the objects of enjoyment, and is again diverted from divine contemplation. So a sage of steady wisdom is one who does not allow the mind to hanker for pleasure or lament for miseries. Further, such a sage does not permit the mind to succumb to the urges of fear and anger. In this way, the mind becomes situated on the transcendental level.Shree Teekaram Brahmachari has completely imbibed in him all these qualities explained in the above Bhagavad Gita and has been truly living the life of a rishi all along.

The philosophy and approach to life of Shri Teekaram Brahmachari is best explained in his pearls of wisdom given below: -

  • Love is only a dirty trick played on us to achieve continuation of the species.
  • Everyman is a slave mainly for the lure of wealth, woman and wine. Shree Teekaraman avoided all these three distractions with tremendous felicity and élan.
  • Everyone is identified by the physical body. But this body is basically perishable matter that places irresistible demands and one needs to grow wise enough to silence these outrageous demands of the physical body.
  • The body houses the mind, but the mind is a very powerful tool that can reign in the body.
  • People who had lived 100 years back on earth are no longer alive today. Similarly people who are alive today will not be alive after a period of 100 years. Life is very temporary for anyone living on this earth. Realisation of this truth can convince anyone to show love and affection towards fellow human beings and avoid completely hatred and intolerance

Some of the Inventions of Shree Ram Teekaram Brahmachari were published in the media for the benefit of the general public. Some of the important secret inventions are being kept with him only. Out of those, most important one is Brahma Sutra. The Secret of Brahma sutra can be scientifically explained by our Ram Teekaram Brahmachari. He is ready to prove the secret of Brahma sutra to anyone. If anybody is interested, he is ready to explain it to him free of any cost.

Now, Ram Teekaram Brahmachari has published again Sri Ram Chakra and Sri Padmavathi Chakra by renaming as Sri Padmavathy Emblem and Sri Ram Emblem in his website named - Gateway of Universal Consciousness. Anyone is free and welcome to approach him for any consultation and guidance.

Ram Teekaram Brahmachari has developed various methods in Meditations. People who are interested to know his methods of meditations may approach Ram Teekaram Brahmachari to know more on the subject. Anyone who is interested to know about Brahman, the only Reality, can approach Ram Teekaram Brahmachari to have enlightenment or self-realisation. He is ready to serve this world without any monetary benefit. People reverently call him as Swamiji due to his selfless services.


Meditation counseling for Reality only.

Why a woman is best suited to lead a country

Shri Ram Teekaram Brahmachari was asked who is better qualified to rule a country, Is it a woman or a man?

His answer is that a woman is better suited than a man to rule a country.

A Brahmachari is unfit to rule, whether a female brahmachari or a male brahmachari. As the name itself suggests a brahmachari is better suited to engage in spiritual pursuit than a material pursuit, which is essential for a ruler. While it is absolutely essential that a man has to be an ideal and dutiful husband in order to be an ideal ruler, it is not necessary that a woman must be an ideal and chaste wife in order to be a successful ruler. There are many instances in history to show that some woman rulers had sacrificed a lot and exhibited better shrewdness and wisdom in order to save their countries from being occupied by foreign rulers.

Lord Ram was not an ideal husband as his action in sending his pregnant wife Sita to the forest based on the words of a common man, was clearly unjustified. As such he was not an ideal ruler. In his rule importance and recognition was given to fools and stupid people. He did not want even a single person in his kingdom to talk ill about Sita. But Ramrajya is generally considered to be the best in history. The credit for making Ramrajya a memorable period of golden age actually goes to Ram's brothers, Bharatha, Lakshmana and Shatrugna, as they were perfect husbands and played an important role in the day-to-day administration of the kingdom. But Ram Teekaram Brahmachari is an ardent devotee of Lord Ram. Just like Lord Ram who is known for his devotion to Sita as his only wife, Ram Teekaram also wanted to emulate Lord Ram and have attachment to only one woman as his wife. But in his lifetime Ram Teekaram could not get any woman like Sita as his wife and as such he has remained a Brahmachari throughout his life. He further said that if he had got married he would not have hesitated to even worship his wife.

Woman represents earth where as man represents the sky predominantly. That is the reason we call our country as our motherland and our native language as mother tongue. A woman's belief is very firm and her affections are deep rooted like mother earth where as for a man it is not firm like the air and the vast emptiness of the sky. As woman represents earth, woman is better suited to rule earth than man. Woman has greater power of attraction like the gravitational pull of the earth. A woman is also capable of performing deeds of greater sacrifice and exhibiting more devotion and attachment. Constitutionally woman is endowed by nature with higher stamina to handle ailments and better immunity to ward off infections. As a result woman is endowed with better characteristics than man to rule the country.

Britain has been a successful country because it was ruled mostly by women rules. Many European countries are also prosperous because they were ruled by more queens than kings. Even in recent history of India during the reign of Smt Indira Gandhi, India was the foremost and strongest country in the region and Indira Gandhi showed better political acumen and shrewdness in dealing with many crucial issues.

Among all living creatures and animals, nature has endowed the female ones with better stamina, potential and capacity to lead. Perhaps it is done so because the female gives birth to young ones and preserves the progeny. Among honeybees, only queen bee is the leader and more powerful. Among ants the queen ant functions as the leader with better power and capability. The female lion has greater power and drives away the male if she does not like it. Nature has made male life forms inefficient and lazy. As such among living species the female plays a more powerful and dominant role and hence from this point of view also, woman is better suited than man to rule the land.

On being asked which God you admire most, Ram Teekaram Brahmachari's answer was Draupadi or Panchali. She was responsible for uniting the five pandavas and keeping them together and thus helping them to launch a sustained fight against the evil and unjust forces to establish justice and Dharma. There are many temples in south India for Panchali Amman and Panchali is worshipped as a very important and popular deity by the local population.

Shree Ram Teekaram's sayings

People who had lived 100 years back on earth are no longer alive today. Similarly people who are alive today will not be alive after a period of 100 years. Life is very temporary for anyone living on this earth. Realisation of this truth can convince anyone to show love and affection towards fellow human beings and avoid completely hatred and intolerance.

33 crore devas in the heaven are symbolic of 33 crore cells in human body. There are 11 crore cells in the human body. But each cell has three parts, a male part, a female part and a neutral part, thus making a total of 33 crore cells.

Ram means sky and earth, 'ra' means the sky and 'm' means the earth.

A (aa) to Am is combined as Aum symbolizing the 12 lifeline letters. Ayutha ezhuthu (Akh) represents earth. The twelve lifeline letters also symbolize the 12 rasis of the zodiac in the sky. Chanting of Aum helps in concentration and meditation. As such it is an important tool in mediation.

The Saivites consider that earth is shiva. One third of earth is land and the remaining is water. This is symbolized in the shiva lingam, which is said to be floating in water. The four heads of Brahma represent the four directions.

The Vaishnavites worship Vishnu and look upon him as reclining on the body of Adiseshan, with the five heads of Adiseshan above him. Adiseshan's body represents land and the five heads of Adiseshan are panchabhoothams or the five elements, air, water, fire, sky and earth. Vishnu who is reclining on the Adiseshan represents the power of the five elements.

There is hot gas inside the earth and it is revolving and is causing the rotation of earth around itself. The earth takes 24 hours to rotate around itself. There is a sun like material inside the earth in the form of hot gas. Orbiting at a regular speed is caused by the power of gravitation. The earth is orbiting with the sun not in same plane. Like an eagle circling above earth, the earth circles above Sun, taking one year to complete one circle. The plane of earth's rotation actually orbits the Sun and one such orbit takes 43,200 years. Thus no human being will be able to go around the Sun in a life time, as it takes 43,200 years for one such revolution around the Sun.

We must show affection towards others without expecting anything in return like the Sun showering heat and light on earth and other planets without expecting anything in return. Earth and other planets reflect the heat and light, but the Sun does not take them back. Similarly when we help others we should not do that help expecting anything in return.

Snake is very sensitive and fully realises the nature of earth. Snake also knows beforehand the occurrence of earthquake. Similarly eagle fully realises the complete nature of the sky. Shree Ram Teekaram is very sensitive and can feel the occurrence of earthquake in any part of the earth.

The ultimate gyan or knowledge is that the self and the entire universe are one and the same. Self is the awareness and the state of observation of the mind without the ego of the mind. The ego or the ahankar is the greatest stumbling block to realise this ultimate knowledge. The ahankar is usually associated with presumption in the mind that the outside world is different from the self.

Age 57 is an important milestone in a person's life. If a person does not indulge in any evil activity till the age of 57, that person will not do anything evil even after the age of 57 till death. Every 19 years the same date and star is repeated.

The earth rotates around itself and also orbits around the Sun. But the Sun along with all planets and stars in the vicinity rotates around the galactic center and the entire galaxy also is moving away from other galaxies. It is like a scene where in there is a huge ship cruising in the sea. Inside the ship a train is moving. Inside the train a man is taking a walk, He is having a small glass container within which an ant is moving. The position of earth is similar to the ant. The ant has no way of knowing all movements. Similarly we are also not in a position to know about all movements.

A human embryo lives for 288 days from the time of formation of the egg in the womb till the birth. And this is twice 144 days. The 144 = 3 x 48, while a mandalam is 48 days. Child's mind develops after 144 days of its birth or after a total of 432 days from the egg formation.

Shree Ram Teekaram's views on The Glory of Tamil history and Tamil culture

Tamil language was never restricted to present day Tamilnadu even in the distant past. In ancient history it was prevalent throughout the world and it had evolved thousands of years ago. The Tamil people had developed thorough knowledge of astronomy, temple architecture, and Ayurveda medicine and were very advanced scientifically. Tamil was a scientific language and the Tamil people had reached great heights in many fields like astronomy, medicine and technology, which were not achieved anywhere else in the world. The temple in Chidambaram is a standing monument for the great heights reached by Tamils in astronomy. Similarly the temple in Palani symbolizes the advances made in the field of medicine. The big temple in Thanjavur is a great example for the glory of temple architecture. They were highly skilled in carrying out exquisite paintings and marvellous carvings, which can be found in many temples even today. We can also find presently temples and structures in Cambodia, Indonesia, Mexico and South America, which symbolize Tamil traditions and culture.

The Brahmin community was entrusted with responsibility to protect and preserve the knowledge and tradition of Tamil culture, as they were a very disciplined community. The Brahmins had played a vital role in preserving and protecting the Tamil literature, culture, tradition and knowledge for thousands of years.

The concept of God was evolved and developed by the Tamils. Many religions like, Saivism, Vaishnavism, Jainism had originated from Tamils. The concept of joint family system in fact owes its origin to the Tamil community. The vast ancient Tamil literature bears ample testimony to the fact that Tamil people had access to unbelievable knowledge and skills in every field of human activity.

Though the mother tongue of Ram Teekaram is Telugu, the fact that he accepts the outstanding glory of ancient Tamil people proves that Ram Teekaram is not biased in anyway in coming to this conclusion. He has studied Tamil literature extensively and had read plenty of books in Tamil relating to astronomy, history, civilisation and politics.

Ram Teekaram hereby salutes those noble Brahmin souls who had made invaluable contribution in preserving the knowledge and culture of the ancient Tamils along with the literature relating to their period admirably for thousands of years. But for the efforts of these Brahmin souls, we could not have inherited today the vast treasure of knowledge in many fields especially astronomy, medicine, temple architecture etc.

About Ganesh Kalyanaraman

Shri Ganesh Kalyanaraman, aged 69 years, is a retired central government officer having served in top positions for nearly 37 years. He was born at Trichy, in Tamilnadu to parents of Tamil Brahmin community. His father hails from Palaiyur a village near Mannargudi in Thanjavur district. His mother's family hails originally from Pudur a village near Gudur in present day Andhra, in a Tamil Brahmin community known as Pudur Dravidas. This area from Nellore to Trichy is known as Pakka Nadu. In a broader sense Pakka Nadu had extended from present day Orissa to present day Thirunelveli in Tamilnadu.

Shri Ganesh is a close friend of Shree Ram Teekaram and knows him well for the past 10 years. He has deep interest in philosophy especially the Advaita philosophy and had discussed the subject with Ram Teekaram very extensively. Apart from philosophy, Ganesh used to discuss with Ram Teekaram on many topics like world economy, current affairs, political scenario, astrology, astronomy, world history, Indian culture, religion etc. Though he has been in regular touch with Ram Teekaram from 2006 onwards, he met him for the first time only in the year 2013. From the year 2012 onwards, he has been speaking to Ram Teekaram almost every day.

About Shri RamTeekaram in the words of Shri Ganesh Kalyanaraman

Shree Ram Teekaram is a versatile person with tremendous knowledge about everything. He can easily be compared to a mobile encyclopedia. He is an authority on many subjects especially ancient Indian astronomy, astrology, Tamil history and Indian philosophy, particularly The Brahma Sutra. If you ask him any question relating to astronomy or spiritualism, the reply comes always instantly. He never refers to any books to give a reply as he has phenomenal memory and extremely vast repertoire of knowledge. He has uncanny power of memory and can remember names of all people who had spoken to him and vividly recall events of the past. He is also capable of doing complicated arithmetic calculations in the mind itself. He is totally unselfish in his day-to-day life and is ever willing to help others. He is able to render the best advice to the needy people whatever may be the problems they have.

He had done yeoman service to people around him and had helped them all immensely. He had done great sacrifice in his personal capacity to help people who had approached him for any help. He has acquired many psychic powers through intense meditation and prayers. He has tremendous positive energy in him and he has tendered the best advice to people in need of counseling. Whenever people in distress seek his help, words of advice emanate from him as pearls of wisdom very comforting and motivating to the listeners. He has great intuitive power and can correctly gauge the mind of people who talk to him. He has helped innumerable people without expecting anything in return. Even now he is very keen to help society and impart his knowledge, wisdom and fruits of his experience to every one in this world irrespective of caste, religion or race.

The words of Shri M.Kannan, (Retired) Economic Advisor, Ministry of Environment,Forest&Climate Change, Government of India, about Shree Ram Teekaram.

Shri Teeka Raman is a rare personality to come across in life. I have known him for the past 25 years or so. Difficulties that he has encountered in his life have not caused any sufferings in him. He remained untouched from those difficulties. Despite his blurred vision bordering blindness, he never ceased to work. Leading a life of bramacharya, Shri.Teeka Raman is a divine personality who has deep knowledge of astronomy. Shri Raman has a very deep understanding of human evolution and various aspects of life. He has worked on a range of subjects relating to advancement of spirituality for the promotion of human well-being.

He is a great counsellor. He has counselled everyone who approached with their life situations without demanding any remuneration. His intuitive skills have astounded many who have been in touch with him. Hundreds of people who have sought advice and support from him have never even seen him physically. Never tired of talking to people through telecommunications (mobile phone), he would spend hours together in talking to people in counseling them. Shri.Raman is a positive person who oozes out optimism in his conversation. It is always a pleasure listening to him and a good learning experience.

About Shri M.Kannan, Indian Economic Service

Shri M.Kannan is a retired officer of the Indian Economic Service. He retired as Economic Advisor in the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India. He had served the Government of India in various capacities with great distinction and had made significant and valuable contributions while in service. He is highly educated and has vast knowledge and experience in economic affairs.

He is a close friend of Shri Ram Teekaram for the past 25 years and has been keeping regular touch with him. He used to have long discussions with him on many topics.

About Shri RamTeekaram in the words of Shri M.Kannan

Shri Teeka Raman is a rare personality to come across in life. I have known him for the past 25 years or so. Difficulties that he has encountered in his life have not caused any sufferings in him. He remained untouched from those difficulties. Despite his blurred vision bordering blindness, he never ceased to work. Leading a life of bramacharya, Shri.Teeka Raman is a divine personality who has deep knowledge of astronomy. Shri Raman has a very deep understanding of human evolution and various aspects of life. He has worked on a range of subjects relating to advancement of spirituality for the promotion of human well-being.

He is a great counsellor. He has counselled everyone who approached with their life situations without demanding any remuneration. His intuitive skills have astounded many who have been in touch with him. Hundreds of people who have sought advice and support from him have never even seen him physically. Never tired of talking to people through telecommunications (mobile phone), he would spend hours together in talking to people in counseling them. Shri Raman is a positive person who oozes out optimism in his conversation. It is always a pleasure listening to him and a good learning experience.

Ram Teekaram's political journey

Ram Teekaram was asked why he could not reach top position in politics even though he had known top political leaders very well and had a long association with party leadership for more than 40 years. Ram Teekaram replied as below :-

I developed a keen interest in politics in 1962 when I was just 8 years old. I pasted a poster of DMK given to me by my uncle M.Govindan on a wall in my village. Soon I was a DMK sympathizer. In 1971 Duraimurugan stood for elections from my constituency. I met G.Viswanathan 1973, when he was MP from Vandavasi. Till 1984 I used to meet him regularly. I learnt politics from them due to my association with them. I studied the literary works of Anna and Karunanidhi completely. I also keenly followed them and acquired full knowledge about them.

I joined ADMK in 1972 right at the time when it was started and ever since I had worked for the development of the party at the district and local level. By 1980 end through the help of a well-wisher I met MGR in Chennai. MGR noticed grey hair in my chest and said it was a very lucky sign. I was wearing kumkum in my forehead and it fell down when I met MGR. MGR took it to be a good omen. I was a very thin figure physically at that time and MGR told me to eat well to improve my figure. I played an active role in the ADMK party and I became close to many top party functionaries like RMVeerappan. My expertise in astrology also helped me to get close to many important leaders. In 1979 Selvi Jayalalitha used to write in Thuglak magazine. I was impressed by her intelligence and ability and I wrote to her suggesting her to meet MGR and enter politics as she had a very bright future in politics and she could reach top positions in future. Practically every week I used to write letters to Jayalalitha. Her re-entry into the MGR fold occurred at that time, though Cho Ramasamy advised her against entering politics. I heard her address her first public meeting in Mankollai in Mylapore. Her speech inspired me and made a deep impression in me. In Kumudam magazine she used to write a serial titled 'Nenjile oru kanal'. I used to write in Thai, the magazine, which was the party mouthpiece from 1982 onwards. Soon Jayalalitha shifted from Kumudam and started writing for Thai magazine. The circulation of Thai magazine immediately went up by about four times. As astrologer I was asked to write my prediction about the year 1983. I predicted about LTTE emerging as a strong force in 1983. MGR and Indira Gandhi started supporting LTTE from then onwards.

Jayalalitha became Rajya Sabha MP in 1984. On behalf of Jayalalitha I took a rose garland to felicitate MGR as a thanksgiving gesture and went to Raj Bhavan to meet him. C.Poonaiyan saw me there and took me to meet MGR, but MGR did not accept the garland but jokingly remarked – " Just garlanding will not suffice. You need to give a treat". Later I went to Velankanni and presented that garland in the church. I was very happy that Jayalalitha had become Rajya Sabha MP and imagined that I had a very bright future as a result.

RMV used to be very affectionate generally towards me. In 1984 I approached RMV to get ticket for assembly elections for my uncle Govindan who had crossed over from DMK to ADMK, in Katpadi constituency. RMV suggested that I can contest instead as my uncle had joined ADMK only recently. I did not accept that offer at that time. Later I asked seat for MLC, but the council was abolished at that time. MGR became ill at that time and in party circles it was hotly debated as to who would succeed him as top leader. I suggested the name of Jayalalitha at that time as she was well known to the masses of Tamilnadu after MGR. However opposition to Jayalalitha intensified in the party after death of Indira Gandhi in 1984. I wrote a letter to Jayalalitha in 1985 suggesting that I could come to Delhi to assist her, but she advised me not to come at that time and continue the activities in Tamil Nadu only. Jayalalitha never had support and protection during 1985 and 1986 and as a result had to go through tough times. Only in 1987 she got good support through Sashikala and her relatives. People speak a lot of lies about Sashikala and her relatives. But without her support and protection, Jayalalitha would not have continued to remain in politics from 1987 onwards and reached the current position.

In 1990 I went to Delhi and spent nearly one year there. As I was well versed in astrology I developed contacts with top politicians like VPSingh, LKAdvani and Rajasekar Reddy. I made friends with Krishnaswamy of Congress party who helped me to meet Rajiv Gandhi. I met in Delhi Andhra Bhavan a very powerful VVIP, who was very close to Jayalalitha. In 1990 November DMK rule in Tamilnadu was dismissed. In December 1990 I returned to Tamilnadu. Because I was insulted, I took a decision to return to Delhi only as Rajya Sabha MP. In 1992 I had that opportunity but I lost the chance. In 1993 the VVIP promised a posting as chairman of a board. Due to migraine I could not meet him. I had to face severe difficulties on a personal level later.

In the party circles, only the leadership is very well aware about my contribution to the party. I have been a faithful member and worker in the party continuously for the past nearly 44 years and had served the party with utmost sincerity and dedication. Even now I can be given a chance to become Rajya Sabha MP though my eyesight has become very poor. In that case I will talk only in Tamil in Rajya Sabha though I can understand very well English and Telugu.

In 1989 the two factions of the ADMK party got united because of efforts of the VVIP and Jayalalitha became Chief Minister in 1991. I never very seriously tried to get any posting or benefit for me using my party connections, as I was never selfish at anytime. I had always worked for the benefit and improvement of others and did everything in my capacity to serve people who approached me for any help. This is the reason why I could not go up the political ladder myself. My path chosen in politics is the path started by the renowned political leader Pasumpon Muthuramalinga Thevar and he is my political guru. He was interested in spiritualism and nationalism like me and he was also a brahmachari like me.

Even though my eyesight is poor and I am confined to my home in my village most of the time, I have my contacts in all the 234 constituencies of Tamilnadu and I keep myself continuously updated about the public mood and political situation there. I can analyse the electoral situation in all the constituencies thoroughly and correctly. Though the local people are unaware of my contribution to the party, the party high command knows very well about my hard work and contribution for the development of the party.

An Appeal from Ram Teekaram
  1. I have been longing to write an article in detail in the above website on the life of human community, the purpose of life, the belief in God, subject of rebirth, various problems of mankind etc. I want to motivate the mind of every one to analyze and judge as to who we are, why we are here, what we need to do to succeed in life and where we stand in our day-to-day life.
  2. I dropped out of the school at the age of 17 on my own accord and no one else was responsible for this decision, neither my parents nor my friends. For this I cannot find fault with even God, the creator. When I was young I loved my relatives and put my trust completely on them, but I was let down and disappointed because of the very same relatives. Lots of opportunities knocked my door, but I failed to avail them and did mistakes by giving them up in favor of others. Similarly I was myself entirely responsible for not getting married. Many a time we feel that God should do this or do that in this manner etc. It is purely out of ignorance we feel so. Instead of putting our trust in God, we need to depend on our own strength, knowledge and capability. But when we face troubles and tribulations, we come to a conclusion that God is putting us to test and we start blaming God. But in reality we are ourselves responsible for all our troubles, difficulties and tribulations we face in the walk of life. These things happen due to our own deeds, but we do not accept this logic. There are some, who declare that there is nothing like sin, good deeds and re-birth etc., and that everything comes to an end with our present life itself. In support of this theory, they quote the words of German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer on this subject. The life of a man is nothing, but his experience. We live our present life based on the life experience of those who lived in this world from time immemorial extending to many thousands of years. The conclusion we arrive at that everything comes to an end along with our life itself is completely due to our ignorance. The same red corpuscles created in our blood when we born, are not found in our blood today. It is said that the lifetime of the red corpuscles is around 110 or 120 days. But fresh red corpuscles are formed in our blood and this process continues till our last breath. All the cells we have in our body now were not present 432 days back as they keep getting renewed every 432 days. Similarly the formation of our new thoughts takes place throughout our life time, which may even extend to a century.
  3. It is learnt that scientists are engaged in research to create a new dinosaur with the help of the cells of dinosaur, which had lived about 150 million years ago. Now I wish to venture to write a look under the caption 'Brahmasutra', in which you can find an answer on the subject of "re-birth" of human life. We have the intelligence to differentiate between good and bad and so it is in our hands to select the path of goodness or the path of ruin. We cannot equate our self with the power of God. Discussions and arguments go on about the presence of God and his powers forever, with no answers. But some people say that there is no God and things happen in the world out of the basic laws of nature. I am trying to submit myself to the course of the nature and learn the basic truths about God. One cannot understand or know the power of God through his five senses ("[k;Gyd;fs;") alone. He should get himself prepared to develop the Sixth Sense ("MwhtJ Gyd;"), which can be achieved only through "meditation". The principle of surrender is the only way to know the power of God. If a person has got many degrees from Harvard University, he cannot claim that he has the power to realise God just because he has got these degrees. It will amount to sheer arrogance. I did not obtain any degree from any University and I have not succumbed to pride or arrogance. I am trying to lead my life accepting t the basic principles of nature and sailing along with nature. It is this realisation that has encouraged me to write a book on ("gpuk;kR+j;jpuk;") and this letter is a preamble for my efforts.
  4. When I was 57 years old, I underwent cataract operation in both my eyes. Later the optical nerves behind the retinas started to deteriorate and I have gradually lost the vision in both my eyes bordering on blindness. I need physically help from others even to carry out my daily routine activities. The treatment to cure this condition using stem cells is available in advanced countries only like Sweden and Norway and not in India. If any person especially a Non Resident Indian is interested in helping me, I shall welcome it and I can be contacted at my email id, which is below teekaraman2014@gmail.com
Origin and Growth of Tamil Language based on Astronomy and Medicine

We invite all scientists engaged in research in Astronomy and Medicine to visit Tamilnadu and learn more about ancient techniques in this field.

Tamil language was systematically developed basing it on principles of astronomy. Even thousands of years ago the Tamil people had great expertise and knowledge in the fields of astronomy and medicine. I shall explain here some of the salient features on this subject.

Keeping the earth as the center, the entire outer space was divided into 27 parts and each part was assigned to a star namely 1) Aswini 2) Bharani 3) Krithigai 4) Rohini 5) Mrigasirsham 6) Thiruvathirai 7) Punarpoosam 8) Poosam 9) Ayilyam 10) Makam 11) Pooram 12) Utharam 13) Hastham 14) Chithirai 15) Swathi 16) Vishakam 17) Anusham 18) Kettai 19) Moolam 20) Pooradam 21) Uthradam 22) Thiruvonam 23) Avittam 24) Sathayam 25) Poorattathi 26) Uthirattathi 27) Revathi. All these 27 stars cover the entire 360 degrees of space.

The stars at 1, 10 and 19 are connected to form an equilateral triangle. Similarly the stars at 2, 11 and 20 are connected to form another triangle. Thus by connecting the remaining stars in a similar fashion a total of nine triangles are formed in the entire space. These nine triangles are distributed among the nine important celestial bodies or planets namely 1) Sun 2) Moon 3) Mars 4) Mercury 5) Jupiter 6) Venus 7) Saturn 8) Rahu 9) Kethu. Of these 9 planets Rahu and Kethu are called Chaya planets or shadow planets. The earth orbits around the sun with a tilted or slanted axis. Because of this tilt, the sun's rays falling on earth get reflected and form the shadow planets Rahu and Kethu.

Shree Padmavathy Chakra or Shree Padmavathy Emblem consists of all the nine triangles and it represents the entire space. In the Padmavathi emblem there are a total of 216 diamond shaped quadrilaterals. Each quadrilateral is formed by a combination of two triangles of which one is male and the other is female. In the human body each cell is shaped like a diamond and each cell is a combination of a male half and a female half and is called 'ardhanari'. This Padmavathy emblem looks like a lotus flower and hence it derives the name Padma, which means lotus.

The 27 stars in the space are distributed among 12 Rasis namely 1) Mesham 2) Rishabam 3) Mithunam 4) Katakam 5) Simham 6) Kanni 7) Thulam 8) Vrischikam 9) Dhanus 10) Makaram 11) Kumbam 12) Meenam. The earth takes 12 months to complete one full orbit around the Sun and thus the sun takes one month to go through each Rasi. Based on these 12 Rasis, 12 lifeline or 'Uyir' letters have been allotted in the Tamil language. The 216 quadrilaterals of the Padmavathy emblem are allotted among 12 Rasis with each Rasi getting 18 quadrilaterals. For each of the 18 quadrilaterals one Body or 'Mei' latter is allotted totaling 18 'Mei' letters and for all the 216 quadrilaterals a total of 216 lifeline-body or 'Uyirmei' letters are allotted. The Earth is allotted one letter called 'Ayutha' letter or letter of weapon. Adding all these letters namely 12 Uyir letters 18 Mei letters, 216 Uyirmei letters and one Ayutha letter, 12 + 18 + 216 + 1 = 247, we get a total of 247 letters for the Tamil language. Thus the Tamil language was developed on principles of astronomy and the language is completely about astronomy. The Chakrathalwar in Srirangam Ranganathaswamy temple and the Nataraja temple at Chidambaram stand as vivid testimony to the greatness of Tamil language developed on principles of astronomy.

Rahu and Kethu, the shadow planets occupy opposite positions and they take 18 years or 216 months or 6480 days to go around all Rasis. So 18 'Mei' letters are there in Tamil language based on the 18 years of Rahu-Kethu orbit and the 216 'Uyirmei' letters are based on the 216 months of the orbit. There are 216 full moon (Powrnami) and 216 new moon days (Amavasya) in one orbit of Rahu-Kethu consisting of 6480 days. Rahu and Kethu represent a fully grown cobra snake. Tamil language is also known as 'Arava'. The snake is also called 'Aravam' in Tamil. There are 6 seasons in one year, namely 1) Vasantha ruthu 2) Greeshma ruthu 3) Varsha ruthu 4) Sharad ruthu 5) Hemantha ruthu 6) Sashi ruthu. Ruthu means season. Lord Muruga has six heads based on these six seasons. Snake is also considered as one form of Muruga and is worshipped as god. Lord Muruga is considered as the first and foremost Tamil god. The temple at Palani for Lord Muruga is the ideal place for medicinal herbs and the temple is completely about medicine. The full moon day is the time when the herbs are fully grown having maximum potential and is the ideal time to collect medicinal herbs.

The Tamil people should realise the greatness of their language, which has been developed scientifically based on astronomy and medicine.

An Appeal from Ganesh Kalyanaraman, R.A.Puram, Chennai

Shree Ram Teekaram is an outstanding genius with amazing intellect and mental prowess. We must deem it very fortunate that such a person lives in our midst to enlighten us and guide us from time to time. He has the ability and power to go back even to a distant past, visualise and analyse what had transpired at that time. He is endowed with special and occult powers of extra sensory perception that helps him to gain tremendous knowledge and insight. He has thorough knowledge about almost all aspects of the universe. He can very well be considered to be a special messenger of God, sent for the uplift of human race.

He has deep interest in the study of the origin of Tamil language and astronomy. His knowledge of astronomy is astounding, comprehensive as well as brilliant. He has been able to link Tamil language with fundamentals of astronomy. He has found out that all alphabets of Tamil language were developed by using the basics of astronomy and were developed very scientifically even thousands of years ago by the ancient Tamil people. He has found that most of our ancient temples contain invaluable treasures of the ancient knowledge of astronomy and medicine. The Chidambaram Nataraja temple was built with total knowledge of astronomy and the temple at Palani was built with complete knowledge of ayurvedic medicine.

The development of Shree Padmavathy chakra or emblem remains to this day his greatest achievement. This emblem combines effectively the principles of astronomy and medicine. It is a very powerful tool for Pooja and prayer and is capable of offering immense benefits to one who offers prayers.

As Sanskrit is also an ancient language developed on a scientific basis, I would appeal to Shree Ram Teekaram to give his views and comments about Sanskrit language in order to enlighten us about the greatness of our ancient culture.

Comments of Shri M.Kannan

I read with interest your new discovery of the linkage between Astronomy and Tamil language. I did not know this linkage between Tamil language and Astronomy till I came across this interesting relationship through your article. I am not aware how many of us know this dimension of Tamil Language. Evidence provided in your article to establish this relationship is quite convincing. I wish this article is published so that the analysis contained there in gets disseminated widely. I wish you all the best in this endeavor.